Our Shop

It’s a playground for the creative and the curious. It’s a laboratory for the tinkerer and the problem solver. It’s a sanctuary.


Repair and Service

Things break, and maybe you broke it. Or maybe you didn’t, but someone did, and someone needs to fix it. And, thankfully, there’s always someone around. Whether it’s vehicles or farm machinery, things can take a beating around here. If you like taking stuff  apart and putting stuff back together, you’re in the right place.


Hot metal, flying sparks, and a cool helmet – there’s something about welding that’s hard to beat. It’s a valuable skill, and for good reason.


The ranch is in a constant state of renovation – and has been for over 100 years! You get to be part of that. From basic repairs to framing  a new storage shed (you can never have too many!). We have the tools if you have the drive.

Your Ideas

Say you want to make a clock……… out of a flex plate and a break caliper? Sure, why not? Embrace your creativity! The shop is a fantastic playground. Use it, it’s open 24/7.